Sunday, June 14, 2009

Salvation? (Spoilers)

Its been a while. University just gets me down on my writting, with the 8,000 words i just had to write in the last few weeks along with some other stuff its not too hard to see why i havnt been in the blogging mood the last month.

So Uni has been pretty good, im on break now and really i dont know what to do with myself. I guess I'd rather be bored in a lecture than at home.

So I did go see Star Trek back when it came out and wow i was pretty impressed by it. While it was no "Wrath of Khan" it did feel fresh and exciting, probably due to the 'splosions and the lense flares every few seconds. It was a perfect popcorn movie, plot holes everywhere with no clear character motivation to be seen. But hey if i wanted that id go watch 'the reader' or someother Oscar nominated drivel. It was exactly what i expected, Star Trek for the new hip kids of today with all their boomboxes and such. And hey like "The Voyage Home" proved Star Trek can be fun without being rediculously philosophical (Im looking at you "Insurrection")....(I just realised how nerdy that was) anyway point is as a lifelong Trekker I loved which means the Star Trek ladder now goes...

1. Wrath of Khan
2. First Contact
3. Star Trek

So my next cinematic adventure was to see "Terminator: Salvation". After the dissapointing 3rd outing in the franchise i felt the series was done with, the war had happened and John would just kick cyborg ass in the future and eventually lead to back to T1. I was never really interested in the Future war stuff and as a kid i fast forewarded the parts in T2 but hey i was a kid and really i just wanted to see arnie shoot stuff. thats why i love "Commando". Anyway Salvation was starting to interest me with its trailers and....well Christian Bale-ness. I was eagerly awaiting this film probably more than Watchmen and i can say in totally honesty....I was not let down. This movie was one of the best times ive had at the cinema, possibly the best this year. Now i know its not the most loved film this year but really all the plot holes ive been given by other reviewers are actually answered in the plot. "oh why R teh Terminators capturing peoples? wouldnt they just killz them?" no, watch "The Terminator" again, Kyle says that he was in a camp that John broke him out of. "Oh hows did Johns get in teh bases so easys?" well for those who didnt pay attention....IT WAS A TRAP. really if you're not gonna watch a movie properly then you shouldnt review it. And really it's not hard to get this, Skynet goes on for a good long scene clearly starting Marcus was a trap. Now im not saying that if you didnt like this film you are a retard, im saying if you cant follow a plot that obvious you really shouldnt be writting about it. but dont worry im sure the millions of people on the internet will correct all these details for you.

As for complaints about Bale's voice, Get over it. seriously its not that bad. The rest of the cast did very well but after hearing the US cirtics praises Worthington's performance i was left a little undewhelmed but still good.

The best action movie ive seen since last years 'Quantum' and its left me hopeful for T5 which hopefully will continue the ass kicking start they have here.

Anyway in real life stuff has been happening too, i seriously dont know where to stand with some people. they confuse the hell out of me and i dont understand why the do what they do. still i can figure out all of humanities confusedness. i just know there are some journeys people have to take without me and thats ok but seriously does everyone have to at once? i find my self increasing low on friends. anyway...

Be Seeing you
Signing off